Last summer, my friend Stephanie gave me two #2 circular needles for my birthday after I'd mentioned that I'd like to learn how to make two socks at the same time. Until about three weeks ago, I didn't take the time figure out how. After a few missteps, taking the socks off the circulars, putting them on dps, rearranging and knitting them back on to the circulars, I finally have it figured out. It's a great process, but a person can really get tangled up in yarn and needles. Well, here they are so far....heels done, gussets done, now only the foot and toe remain. Yay!
Strangely, I met an old acquaintance (from 1982) at a class I was taking for work and found out she teaches a toe-up, two at a time sock class at a knitting shop, Tangle. I really want to learn that method, so may take her class in the near future. She also has a great blog, www.persistent illusion.com.