Monday, October 27, 2008

Unaccustomed Earth - Jhumpa Lahiri

Unaccustomed Earth Unaccustomed Earth by Jhumpa Lahiri

My review

rating: 3 of 5 stars
It comes down to this...I do not like short stories. The commitment is too short term and just as I begin to relate to or become attached to the characters, the story is over.

I'm sure if you are a short story lover, you'd give this book more stars, but for me, 3 is all I can do.

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3 generations in Loma Linda

My grandaughter - Hermione

I took my mom to visit Jill in Loma Linda for a week. It as a lazy time of visiting and eating (and Jill working). The weather was fabulous (90s during the day and 50s at night). We did a little shopping, but mostly just enjoyed each other's company. The only downside was missing Nathan who was visiting his family in southern Oregon.

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Sunday, October 26, 2008

New Moon - Stephanie Meyers

New Moon (Twilight Series, Book 2) New Moon by Stephenie Meyer

My review

rating: 4 of 5 stars
Just like the first book in the series...addicting. This time there are other creatures of the night to contend with....and a new friend (love interest?)

If you want fun mind candy, this series is for you, but don't read if you're offended by monsters.

View all my reviews.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Shack - William Paul Young

The Shack The Shack by William P. Young

My review

rating: 5 of 5 stars
A different way of looking at God, really makes one think about the traditional Christian view even though it isn't in conflict.

The story is engaging, uplifting, and hopeful even under terrible circumstances.

Many reviewers have spent all their time refuting the theology, seems like a waste of time, which would be better spent using ones imagination to see how the story relates to real life. 5 stars.

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Monday, October 20, 2008

Echo Falls Golf - Snohomish

We managed to get out to golf a couple weeks ago. It was a fun course in Snohomish called Echo Falls. I enjoyed it because it was relatively short and I shot my best 9 hole score on the back 9. Yay!!

Dreamers of the Day - Mary Doria Russell

Dreamers of the Day: A Novel Dreamers of the Day: A Novel by Mary Doria Russell

My review

rating: 4 of 5 stars
The Sparrow and Children of God are two of my favorite books, so I always look forward to a new book by the author. This book was very interesting and describes the forming of the treating that created modern day Iraq.

There are interesting insights about Winston Churchill and Lawrence of Arabia. Gertrude Bell was instrumental in the forming of the treaty and I look forward to reading more about her. I'm adding The Desert Queen to my To-Read list. It was recommended as a must read biography of her.

View all my reviews.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Reservation Road - John Burnham Schwartz

Reservation Road (Vintage Contemporaries) Reservation Road by John Burnham Schwartz

My review

rating: 3 of 5 stars
Started this as an audio book and couldn't get through it, but felt like I needed to finish. It's about two men with boys about 9 years old. One father runs over the son of the other and covers it up. Depressing.

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Twilight - Stephanie Meyers

Twilight (Twilight Series, Book 1) Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

My review

rating: 3 of 5 stars
I don't know what got into me to read this silly book, but I was hooked; could not put it down. The plot is weak, the characters are weak, I'm weak!! Very addicting.

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Jill's Very Short Visit

Jill flew to Seattle for a couple hours, just enough time to shoot a few pictures with Joel, who now lives in our 1 bedroom apartment with us (cozy). Then we drove down to Portland and on to Days Creek in southern Oregon for Nathan's 10 year reunion. Wish I'd taken pics there, but got too lazy.

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Thursday, October 02, 2008

Eldest - Christopher Paolini

Eldest (Inheritance, Book 2) Eldest by Christopher Paolini

My review

rating: 3 of 5 stars
I was pleasantly surprised by this book. The reviews weren't glowing so my expectations weren't too high. The book was fun to read, not nearly as good as Eragon, but entertaining none the less.

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The Good Earth - Pearl Buck

The Good Earth (Enriched Classics) The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck

My review

rating: 5 of 5 stars
I've been wanting to read this book for a long time and I'm so glad I finally got around to it. Books about China are always favorites and this is probably the best I've read. It was written in the 1930's and shows that people are people wherever and whenever they live. Pearl Buck did a great job developing a wide range of characters that could be placed in any book about a family rising from poverty to wealth. The complicated interplay between family members kept the pages turning.

View all my reviews.