Monday, June 26, 2006

Jill's Graduation

The Browns, Grahams, and Schmunks migrated to southern California to attend Jill's graduation on June 18, 2006. Thursday - Psychology Department Banquet, Friday Night - Consecration Ceremony, Saturday - Baccalaureate (which we didn't attend). We went to Crosswalk Church instead Sunday - Graduation.

I should mention that food was a prominent part of the weekend festivities: Italian, Asian Food at the banquet, Vegetarian food Friday for lunch, BBQ at Nathan's after church, then BJ's, and CPK after graduation.

Jill at the Consecration Service
Pat - The BBQ Master

The proud family with the graduate.

Back row - Michael, Bill, Darla, & Nathan, Cynthia, Pat

Front row - Lois, Cheri & Natalie, Jill Brown, Dorothy & me.

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